California Privacy Act Disclaimer

Online Data Request and Opt-Out Form

If you are a California resident, you have the following rights related to your personal information:

  1. To request a notice of (1) the categories of personal information we have collected in the preceding 12 months, (2) the categories of sources of that information, (3) the business or commercial purpose for collecting that information, (4) the categories of third parties and affiliates the information is shared with, (5) whether the information was sold, and (6) whether we sell the information of minors under 16 (we do not).
  2. To request deletion of information we maintain about you. Please note that notwithstanding this request, we will continue to maintain information about you as permitted by California law for purpose including to comply with legal obligations, to complete transactions and services at your request, and for certain internal uses.
  3. To opt-out of the sale, as that term is defined by law, of your personal information. Please note, we do not sell your information.

Thank you for trusting us with your data. To exercise your consumer data rights as a California resident, please contact us at one of the following:
  • - Call: (855) 975-9543
  • - Send an Email to:
  • - Send a letter to: 150 Carriage Circle, Hemet, CA, 92545
  • - or Complete this form:
Select Request Type
 Delete my PI     Access my PI     Do Not Sell my PI